01977 664555

Academy Policies

Click on the links below to view our Academy Policies and Documents:

Accessibility Plan 

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Fraud Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Complaints Policy 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy

Equalities Statement and Objectives

Medicines in school policy

Post 16 Transport Policy

Prevent Policy

Provider Access Policy

Remote Learning Policy

RSHE Policy

Safeguarding Policy

SEND report 24 25

SEND Policy

Provision Map 24 25

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

Transgender Policy

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy


The policies held on this website were correct at the time of publication. We have followed government guidelines in adding an addendum to policies directly relating to Coronavirus, the partial closure of school and the government safety guidance. All policies are reviewed annually or biannually and will be amended as necessary as part of the Academy Council review cycle.   Any policies marked as draft are due to be ratified at the next Academy Council meeting.

For details of the time taken off by staff who are union officials and gender pay gap information, click here

Covid-19 Policy Addendums

Please note that whilst the adaptions made by Airedale Acadmey due to Covid-19 are no longer in place, the academy reserves the right to return to any of the below policy addendums should circumstances dictate it necessary.

Attendance policy Covid-19 Addendum March 2021

Attendance policy Covid-19 Addendum September 2020

Behaviour policy Covid-19 policy addendum September 2020

Behaviour policy Covid-19 Addendum January 2021

Behaviour policy Covid-19 Addendum March 2021

Behaviour policy Covid-19 Addendum May 2021

Safeguarding policy Covid-19 Addendum January 2021