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World Views

Airedale Academy’s World Views  (RE)  Curriculum Intent Statement

As a member of Northern Ambition Academies Trust, we ensure that our curriculum is ambitious, enriched, broad and engaging and that it incorporates the Trust’s values of Ambition, Bravery and Respect.

The aim of the PE, Health and Wellbeing department is to ensure students leave Airedale Academy with the appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding of the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle for not only themselves, but that of others. The department will offer a wide range of activities to develop their skills and improve or maintain their physical, emotional and social health

Airedale Academy’s World Views (RE) Curriculum Intent

●      The World Views curriculum is based on the core principles of knowledge and understanding with each unit of study allowing students to develop religious ethical and philosophical knowledge. Students will also develop the ability to express ideas, beliefs and opinions alongside gaining skills including critical thinking, independence, mutual respect and tolerance. .

●      The World Views curriculum is inquiry based and will allow the students to develop an understanding of a variety of religions and worldviews which will allow them to answer big human questions surrounding these topics in a critical way.

●      Our teaching and learning will enable the students to respond to questions surrounding the religious, moral and ethical issues in a balanced and critical way drawing on the knowledge gained of the different religions followed in a local, national and global contexts, pupils will also investigate historical and current events linked to religion and moral and ethical issues and using this knowledge will discuss topics such as. Is war always caused by religious unrest and should religion be censored within modern society

●      The curriculum will allow students to appreciate the value of different sources of information, expose students to a rich amount of information giving the students the ability to critically evaluate information sources and respond to them in a respectful way.

●      The curriculum will challenge students' ideas of religions and world views in order for them to develop their own values, identities and beliefs.

●      The curriculum will give the students the skills and knowledge to not only give their own beliefs and values but respect others' views when they are different from their own, allowing them to develop the fundamental values of mutual respect, tolerance and individual liberty.


The World Views curriculum will be implemented through discreet form time sessions once a week and drop down sessions three times per term. Each term pupils will be exposed to a big question they will need to answer at the end of the term.  All sessions with the term are linked to the big question and will expose  the students to religious beliefs and teachings of the five main religions followed within the UK. Alongside this links are made to historical and current events linked to the big question allowing students to understand different points of view surrounding the big question giving them the ability to form their own opinions and explain their reasons for the opinion they have.  Within the form time curriculum pupils are given the opportunity to discuss and debate aspects of the topic with their teachers and other students within their form.



The World Views curriculum will ensure that all students have knowledge and understanding of the religions practices within the UK. It will also give the students knowledge of worldviews. This will allow them to recognise that the beliefs and practices followed in the UK are diverse amongst communities and individuals and that these diverse beliefs are as valued and valid as each other.  The curriculum will give the students the skills needed to investigate big life issues and questions allowing them to critically evaluate sources of information in an informed and balanced way.

The World Views curriculum will allow students to form their own ideas and opinions surrounding issues including nature, the impact of religions and worldviews and express these ideas in a mature and insightful manner. The curriculum will allow students to personally and critically reflect on their own beliefs and those of others surrounding identity, diversity and ethical issues. It will also allow students to appreciate and appraise the varied dimensions of religion.

The World Views curriculum will allow the students to gain and deploy skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews. This will allow them to investigate key concepts and questions of belonging, meaning, purpose. It will also allow the students to investigate how different individuals and communities  live together respectfully.

World Views Curriculum Overview - Autumn Term

World Views Curriculum Overview - Spring Term

World Views Curriculum Overview - Summer Term

World Views Learning Journey - Year 7

World Views Learning Journey - Year 8

World Views Learning Journey - Year 9

World Views Learning Journey - Year 10

World Views Learning Journey - Year 11